My sister, apparently, was into such practices. The two nice bedrooms, mummy and new daddys bedroom and the guest room were on the first floor, the children were kept in the attic. It wasnt just swinging that was going on, and the children were open to too much of an education (nicest way of putting it). I know mummy often had a white tash (coke), that they saw her chasing step dad/dad across the landing whilst wearing a dildo. Seems the air of nothing being taboo didnt do them a lot of favours. My niece tried to get her bro aged about ten to put his willy in their half sister aged about four. Go on put in in and bounce up and down. Granny came in one day and put on the little mermaid - but it was close up footage of mommys vag. Although I am sure, op, that your tastes are with adults, would you worry about children being overexposed? Come on - we all knew where our mums and dads hid our xmas pressies. Children are inquisative.
PS - They are nothing to do with me, I am the black sheep of the family. Thats what they always said. Of course, the black sheep is the smarter sheep who escapes the slaughterers knife. They are too dumb to know this.