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Old 06-12-2011, 11:53 PM   #46 (permalink)
chinese crested
Location: hampshire
How about that? White lies to avoid confrontation or trouble because the other SO is the easily jealous type who over-thinks everything??
I remember telling a white lie once. Young lass, my babysitter, came from poor family, mum was abusive lush - you know the sort of thing I am sure. Alison had bought two blouses over to try on, she was going out. One looked nice, the other horrid. Did I like it she asked? Not bad, I replied, but that other one, that one looks ever so nice on you - very attractive and flattering - which it was. To me, not being brutal and hurting a 15yr old kid - thats a wee white lie. Using a little tact and not being brutal.
I have been in a relationship where the chap was unfaithfull and told me I was being awfull for accusing him of it. Then a few hours later - what I had known and not wanted to know was confirmed when the gal involved told me. (It only happened the once, but I kew it was happening) I went home and had fun with his clothes and a carving knife. Its very good therapy. Cheating he would have got dumped for - he knew that and thats why he lied after he let his dick go for a wander - but lying to me. Very dumb move. Getting me to vocalise how silly I was for not trusting him. Dumber move. Its like telling me there is 'dumb bitch' writted on my head and only I cant see it.
He got off light I guess
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