Thread: Handmedown Lane
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Old 06-09-2011, 09:27 AM   #14 (permalink)
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Thus, can we hope to be so universal?
seen as vast and as open of heart?
beheld as equal of strength and immense creative spirit?
but never to represent anyone in our universe
except who "I am"
--as damaged as despairing as wounded as any?
as you? as me?

Thus, can trust work both ways?
trust for a kind word or affirmation
a gentle acknowledgement or response?
a sweet glance from tender eyes
a single remark indicating value in
this universe we have created between us?

Thus, can we find each other worthy?
found human and yet
found good of heart, discovered afresh each day?
vulnerable brains, flesh, fluids
to be seen and to be heard, uninterpreted?
to be loved and beloved
to belong and be longed for?

Thus, can we all hope, can we all trust?
all fling ourselves into
this universe of each other?
and each other's grace and forgiveness
and undeserved trust?

Thus, can trust work both ways?
even in our microcosm universe?
dispelling all fear
and even all illusion?
can trust become the greatest gift
we give--each other?


Last edited by HandmeDown; 06-09-2011 at 01:33 PM.. Reason: Minor edits in capitalization.
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