With regards to video game addiction, I might be able to chime in. In the summer/winter 2009 and early 2010, I played 50 hours a week of mostly Counterstrike Source and Killing Floor ..
1) The EASIEST way (I used it through college): make sure you buy a computer that's hard to upgrade, and most importantly, buy a crap-ass video card that can't play shit. And never upgrade it. It worked well in the early 2000's as crap-ass video cards can't play shit but even nowadays a $50 card can play most games. In this case, I'd use onboard graphics like Intel's built-in graphics; these are still so shitty you can't play squat.
2) MMO games: I never touch them. I treat it like cigarettes or drugs, touch it and die from addiction. I have never installed an MMO.
3) Semi-MMO with strong online addiction / communities like Diablo 2: Just give away all your hard-earned loot. Just like, give it to someone. It took you so long to build up your gear and then if you just give it away -- you'll be so disgusted you won't be back playing it.
4) Single-player addictive games like Diablo 2: use a cheat program and hack your player. All that character building is for.. just numbers in a binary file.
5) FPS games like Counter-strike, Left 4 Dead, Killing Floor, Unreal Tournament: try to play games where there is no leveling up involved. CS and UT have no leveling up but can still be addictive, but at the end of the day you can still limit yourself to less and less hours. Like losing weight - can't do it all at once. Also if you play enough you'll get bored.
Hope that helps.