Originally Posted by Fire
they without a child have no real frame of reference....
I truly believe there are exceptions to this, and I wish parents would get off their "You don't have a kid yourself, you can't understand" high horse. Some of the kids I work with spend more time with me in a given week than they do with mom or dad, and yes, some of my kids truly mean a lot to me. I have about 24 different frames of reference, because each child I work with is different. Some positive discipline techniques work really well with some kids, and some don't. Using positive discipline requires people to think on their feet and try different approaches to problem solving.
Working with children--parent or teacher--isn't any different than many other activities in terms of problem solving--think, plan, do, review. If it works, it works. If it doesn't, try another trick. I have about twenty different positive discipline approaches I turn to when I need to.