What do you think of this diet?
It's okay, but it would be better if it were much lower in grains, even of the whole variety. People were naturally selected in an environment which was high in nutrient-rich vegetation and game meat. That's what we eat. Grains and dairy are really only a few thousand years old, which is the blink of an eye when compared to the history of our species and the species that preceded us. While we're slowly adapting to a diet high in breads, dairy, and processed foods, it's not going to happen overnight and people need to realize that. I know I sound very Paleo, but there are some very compelling scientific argument to support the concept of a low-grain, high vegetable diet.
What do you think of the study/report?
"Diets" are a misguided concept. There's food, and there's not-food. In the food group, there are some things that are more efficient than other things. These things can all be established objectively. Atkins or Weight Watchers are just artificial constructs with arbitrary rules, bypassing real nutrition education in favor of pop-science.
Would you try this diet?
If I am ever overweight again, which is a likelihood considering that my next heart surgery will require me to not exercise for many months, I already know how to lose weight and it's not found in a book. You crank up the protein a bit and turn down the carbohydrates while doing high intensity cardiovascular exercise and strength training, then as time goes on you return to a regular balance of protein, fats, and carbohydrates. So no, I don't need it. I've done it before, and I'll do it again.
Have you heard of it before? Have you tried it before?
No, no.
Do you think this diet should be promoted as a solution to the obesity epidemic?
No. The idea of dieting is a poor one. It makes people think that putting themselves on an odd and restrictive food regimen for a select amount of time will perform a miracle. Most people, of course, get tired of the restrictiveness and quit. Of those who stick with it, only some actually get the results they were looking for. I'll quote an amazing NYT article by Michael Pollan: "
Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." It's not a diet, it's just what people are supposed to eat, fat or thin, young or old.
Is this good publicity? Will it gain traction?
The last thing diet plans need are more publicity.