Congratulations on your success!

I bet you didn't suffer from hunger either. You've discovered what all the naysayers hate about low-carb diets: They really work, both to lose, and to maintain. I've been following a similar regime for several years. I'm 5'2" and weigh 108 pounds. My numbers are all good, and even my doctor, after his initial conventional wisdom skepticism, approves.
Originally Posted by Plan9
I'm obviously not a dietitian (hell, I'm not even close to intelligent); my occupation involves picking out meals from a prison food menu. I'm still totally baffled by how someone can eat the equiv of the grease trap at Waffle House for a month with some spinach leaves on the side and lose weight. Apparently I've got a lot to learn.....
Something tells me that without weight training and running, you'll plateau quickly when your body adjusts to the natural fat bombs you're consuming X times a day.
I wonder what a diet like this would do to me. Probably make me look like your "Before" picture.
Absent carbs, dietary fat has little effect on body fat accumulation. Fat accumulation is driven by too much insulin. Insulin is driven by dietary carbs.
Originally Posted by Plan9
If you drop to 200 on this diet, I'm going to start eating bacon sandwiches 3 times a day.
Not a sandwich. Eat the bacon only. Lose the bread to lose the weight. Don't eat the fat without giving up the carbs.
Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
[/COLOR]You've only been on this for two months. If you're going to stay on this kind of diet, you should keep an eye on your numbers. Long-term effects should be a concern of yours.
Also, you should probably consider taking a multivitamin if you aren't already.
Yes, its always good to check the numbers. I get a blood workup twice a year. And I take multivitamins. And I read books like these to help fight of the (usually overweight) naysayers.
and this one How I Gave Up My Low-Fat Diet and Lost 40 Pounds (Revised and Expanded Edition)
(9781592330409): Dana Carpender: Books