Originally Posted by Shadowex3
So if spankings didn't work could I, in a controlled manner, use a taser on them to cause more effective pain? What about forcing them to eat a habanero? Why is that abuse but physically striking them isn't? Is it because there's some arbitrary amount of pain and suffering where it becomes abuse? Who gets to decide that?
tasers and habaners DON'T work because you can't control the severity of the experience. with spanking, you can control the punishment if they, for instance, chase around a sibling with the kitchen's largest knife or if they just lie about whether they stole a cookie. maybe you're right though, tazers and habaneros are just the same and require much less effort to my arms and thought in my noggin, i'll remember to use those when i have kids.
to answer your questions, yes, it is somewhat arbitrary. you can't control the exact amount of carrots the some restaurant is going to put in your soup, but they know when enough is enough to make the soup work. the parent gets to decide that based on the severity of the behavior leading to that punishment.