Originally Posted by LordEden
...Martian likes to point out that I don't work with "Big Boy Servers" and that I should be. That's what I first thought of when I saw this post (besides "Hey look, it's the 9er"). I know that there is a path towards that and it involves a lot of grunt work...
That would be because working with real servers is where the money's at. Fuck that $13 per hour point and click shit. Get some Linux creds for mid-to-high five figures or (if you're exceptionally lucky and can land one of those cushy contractor gigs) even low sixes.
You've got the talent for it, but you still need the knowledge and the experience. Make it happen!
At 27 I feel like things are coming together nicely for me here. I'm not doing admin work currently because I'm waiting for an opening on the systems team, but I'm making reasonable money on the support desk in the interim. Three years from now I'll almost certainly be part of the NOC group and making bank doing work I love doing. Buying a house five years out might not be realistic, but eight should be easily achievable, and certainly before I'm forty (assuming the market is amenable, of course).
I don't know if it was always the case, but I feel like after watching myself and most if not all of my acquaintances, the decade between teenager and 'real adult' is time that's being used to find oneself, whatever the hell that means. It seems like a lot of people in their twenties don't really know what they want to do with their lives, but that by thirty most folks figure something out.
My mother went to University at 31, and she's doing fan-damn-tastic now. Thirty really isn't very old anymore.