I am glad that I'm almost done with the 20-ish part of my life. I am in a better situation, but not to the point of being "ready". I'm coping better with the overwhelming anxiety and suffocating depress that plagued me most of my life. I have a career goal and I know which path to take to complete that goal. I've never been divorced and I don't have any kids, I'm starting off my 30's with a better background than most I know.
I turned 29 this past april and wonder what life holds in store for me in my 30's. I have plans, goals, and dreams lined up for the future.
Martian likes to point out that I don't work with "Big Boy Servers" and that I should be. That's what I first thought of when I saw this post (besides "Hey look, it's the 9er"). I know that there is a path towards that and it involves a lot of grunt work.
I think that I know a lot more about myself now as compared to my early 20's, but I'm not to sure how ready I am for my 30's. Maybe I'll learn EVERYTHING I need to know before I'm 30 in one year. Do a little hollywood training montage towards the end and BAM, I haz skils.
I'm still waiting for my brain-racking moment of clarity that will instantly prepare me for being an adult.
Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
In my own personal experience---this is just anecdotal, mind you---I have found that there is always room to be found between boobs.
Vice-President of the CinnamonGirl Fan Club - The Meat of the Zombiesquirrel and CinnamonGirl Sandwich