I'm obviously not a dietitian (hell, I'm not even close to intelligent); my occupation involves picking out meals from a prison food menu. I'm still totally baffled by how someone can eat the equiv of the grease trap at Waffle House for a month with some spinach leaves on the side and lose weight. Apparently I've got a lot to learn. I've been eating sensible USDA-recommended meals my whole life and my weight hasn't fluctuated more than 5 pounds aside from the starvation diet I was on in the military for a month.
Something tells me that without weight training and running, you'll plateau quickly when your body adjusts to the natural fat bombs you're consuming X times a day.
I wonder what a diet like this would do to me. Probably make me look like your "Before" picture.
If you drop to 200 on this diet, I'm going to start eating bacon sandwiches 3 times a day.
Great thread. Keep us updated.
Last edited by Plan9; 06-05-2011 at 02:23 AM..