Originally Posted by aceventura3
There should be no compromise. No give and take, we need to just move forward with our agenda.
That is the biggest problem with conservatives right there.
When the agenda is "Drill, Baby, Drill" and we will try to deal with any consequences later in few years if it effects our base (when most conservatives will be dead or age 80+), isn't a very good policy for the rest of us and the planet.
Most people don't work outside anymore, and are in temperature stabilized homes, stores, cars, and offices, so I don't doubt that they could think, "what problem?". But for those people with no A/C and that work outside, or have farms that can't easily move north to better weather, it is a problem. It will become a big problem when what happened in Russia and Australia last year happens in the midwest in the US. If it is too dry to grow any crops, and the Canadian woods and grasslands aren't converted to farm fields fast enough, food production will be impacted.