Originally Posted by roachboy
because, ace, your criticisms of the article were so fatuous as to not merit a serious response.
Yes, yes, you have made it clear that I am not in your intellectual league. One should never expect a reasoned response to a person like me from a person like you.
it's just another example of how you violate the basic rules of a political discussion.
I can honestly say I don't have a copy of those basic rules, do you have a link?
you'd be better off blogging. we all would be better off.
Feel free to ignore me anytime you would like.
Getting back to this neo-liberalism business:
Do you consider Obama to be a neo-liberal?
Given that I don't expect an answer from you, I assume your answer is - yes.
Based on the presumed answer:
What is the difference, to you, in the first term neo-liberalism of Obama and Reagan, if any?
I am going to assume your answer is that there is no difference in practical terms.
Given your presumed answers, I suspect you are in the smallest of small minority who hold such a view and you know it. Hence, when you use the term neo-liberalism you knowingly disguise your true meaning to get unsuspecting people to agree with your extreme views.
Nailed it didn't I?