@Jinn: I do indeed work for Riot, I'm part of the Network Operations Center.
We've pumped out our first wave of Tribunal bans - if you read the forums, there's quite a few people incensed that their accounts are permanently terminated
. In the future we'll be addressing people before they reach such levels of villainy, so we'll (hopefully) be able to hand out milder punishments.
@pacaveli: Fair point on the minimap - definitely something that needs to be gotten used to. It does sink in though. Ideally the next time we iterate on our HUD we'll make that able to be toggled.
There's no need in LoL to hotkey your unit - you're unable to unselect it (with the rare exception of Annie/Shaco). Simply press spacebar to focus on your Champion (again, something to get used to).
LoL has a very different take on mobility and purchases than DotA. You can recall from anywhere on the map back to your base, and you can use Summoner Spell teleport to teleport to any allied tower. This is in exchange for couriers and teleport scrolls. It's a different system, but you would not be able to sensically just insert couriers into LoL - the mobility systems would need to be tweaked to account for this.
As of now, there are still only 10 free Champions per week. Do keep in mind though that you are able to unlock any Champion permanently just by playing the game. In the interests of full disclosure, many Champions are as much as 6300 IP, which while some hardcore players can earn in as few as a couple days, the average player will need to save up over the course of a week or two for (and people who play very infrequently will not find themselves unlocking for quite some time).