I've gone ahead and read through your share three times, and I really like it GG, perhaps moreso for the reason that I can easily identify with its context of meaning. (my life is a mixed bag of meanings, trivialities, memories, and contradictions.)
Additionally, I took a minute to look over its structure, and its quite interesting (and a thought: it can verily mirror any one person's lot in life, thru time.)
I laid it out as so: {as if it were an evolving storybook, with no words, but only descriptors}
prologue (neutral)
turning (solemn)
reflection (wandering, regret)
recollections (awe)
inflection (hopeful)
epilogue (dis-/satisifaction)
Words of gratitude for sharing your originally-composed prose, genuinegirly.
Do you have any further comments or backstory to add to the poem, such as your mindset at the time, or any metaphors within that might mean more then they are telling?
And as a final note: if you'd like to go further with the poem through any revisions, I'd be more than glad to read it when it goes through the mind's mill, to see how it evolves.
There's also the easy revision of homonymous meanings you may wish to correct in your sixth stanza: compliment (re: praise, or good wishes) -> complement (re: something in which fits, or completes)
Besides that small tack, it is a fine work, and I'm all the better for finding it (with due kudos to you, for sharing it).
As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world (that is the myth of the Atomic Age) as in being able to remake ourselves. —Mohandas K. Gandhi