1. That is the entrance fee today to enter national parks for a carload of people (or one person if you are driving alone).
2. I didn't say to increase car registration, just that the government collects money as a monopoly because people want cars. Some people will pay extra to get different license plates.
3. You can't sue the government, and it might cost a lot more than $50 million. But hiring a few tour guides to drive buses around NASA and let people take some pictures and meet some scientists and astronauts might help them make some money. They already have a museum in Huntsville, but I'm not sure exactly who runs it.
If enough people get together to become socialists and argue for increasing taxes to lower prices by subsidizing them, it might work. But, I think reducing administration costs, energy costs, using technology to reduce costs, and creating some beneficial products that can raise money would be a good thing.