I remember a case involving Judge Wilfred Pickles. At one rape trial, he told the rapist he had every sympathy with him - it was date rape if you will of a work colleague - not that they were on a date you understand. Anyway, because his wife was pregnant and not satisfying his needs due to her temporary medical condition - what else could the poor rapist have done but rape. The judge thougt that losing his job was punishment enough. Suspended.
Kenneth Clark has certainly earned a place for himself - alienate half the voters in one swipe. The worrying thing is his position of power - from which he should be removed. They did not touch on male rape. I wonder if he would have thought that crime worth a longer sentence? I know stats in GB in about 1990 had the stats as one in eight - so if a chap has a wife a mum a daughter and a sister - fifty fifty chance one of them will get jumped and raped. Pretty sure it must be more now,
Power. Thats what rape is about - you are right.