Originally Posted by spindles
So, do those who have read the books feel like you might enjoy this more as a TV series if you hadn't read the book?
I often feel this way, but I think it's a tradeoff.
Having read the book, I'm instilled with
delicious anticipation, considering I know what's going to happen. I can't wait for events to unfold before my eyes. I want to see how it resolves on screen in comparison to the narrative and my mind's eye.
We're now at the halfway point of the season. I have yet to see any serious detractors who are disappointed in the show. I think, generally, the production quality is high, the acting is great, the writing is where it needs to be. In execution, the show is a huge payoff.
That said, I know what's coming.
I know. It's killing me. I look forward to every Sunday night when I can finally see how they handle the story and make it come to life. At the end of every episode, when the credits roll, I'm on the edge of my seat and I sigh in anticipation for it to continue.
Am I envious of those who don't know the story yet? Only as far as I will miss out on the shocking revelations. I know what's coming, and I can't wait for those who don't know to finally get smacked upside the head with it. I hope those people post here with their reactions.
The other thing to realize is that these same shocking revelations were quite powerful in the book as well, so it's not like we're missing out on them. In a way, we can experience them again for the first time in a new form, with our eyes and ears.
Episodes 6 through 10: This shit is about to get