According to Marco Pierre White he didnt make Gordon cry, Gordon "chose" to cry...
Yes, there are some chefs who dont try and mystify the process. As much as I find Jamie Oliver an annoying mockney twat, I do admire that he has made a real effort to get people to learn basic and wholesome recipes, and to replace processed fast food with wholesome food in school meals.
I havent ever eaten in a Michelin Starred restaurant I would admit, but I have eaten a £25 steak in a posh place and found it tasted the same as a £10 steak in a nice pub.
As for liking stew and bread... what can I say. Perhaps it does explain a lot. I am a man of the people... some tomato's, some onion, some garlic, some mushrooms, some ham, some beans, some herb, touch of lemon... cooked nice and slow over a long period. To me that meal has given me more satisfaction than expensive dishes like lobster I have had. I dont like exotic things and I am not especially open to them. I dont deny that.
Let me give a concrete example of what I mean though: in terms of meat.
On many cooking shows I see on TV, chefs INSIST on serving meat rarer than most people are comfortable with, because THEY think it is the right way for it to be served. Genuinely on "Masterchef" you see this happen two or three times every season. This is arrogance to me. This is elitism.
And.. there ARE some people with small holdings who struggle and also, yes dairy farming is pretty tough. But the most farmers in the UK with sizeable holding are millionaires. some billionaires (and in part because of the Common Agricultural Policy as well as selling off land for development, battery farming, etc etc)