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Old 05-15-2011, 10:30 PM   #285 (permalink)
bi girl
Location: Houston, TX.
Me - The newbie..

Just found this site about an hour ago and thought...That's for me. Now what I ask myself. Well, I was reading the threads on swinging... I've been a swinger all my life but have only been with straight men for some reason. I think my upbringing says I need to be straight so I keep trying but it doesn't work. I always end up breaking up with them for whatever reasons but one of the truths is I get bored sexually with just 1 man. There goes my alter ego saying, "You should be ashamed!" Truth is now that I'm older... I'm not ashamed.

It's what I like.. It's gratifying. It turns me on. Don't get the wrong impression. I don't sleep around although I did in my teens and loved it but that was a long time ago. These days and for the last 15 years I can count the number of men I've been with on one hand. Women on the other hand in my lifetime.

I like women too. OMG! I said it.. I only said it cuz you don't know who I am. If most of my friends or family knew it they'd probably disown me or do they maybe like women too? Even better, I like a woman and a man at the same time. Wow! I'm really coming clean here. The only ones who know this about me are the ones I've been intimate with.

My boyfriend and I just broke up 2 months ago. I had to twist his arm to do the wild thing with my best friend and I. Can you belive that! I had to twist his arm. I guess I should have felt lucky but really I wanted him to love it but he didn't. It was ultimately our demise. Ho hum...

Looking for a couple to be with. I need to get to know you A LOT online, on the fone, facebook etc. before we ever meet cuz there are waaaaayyy to many weirdos/murderers/freaks out there.

I live in Houston. I'm a happy person. Smart, loyal, have a sense of humor, educated and sensitive. Looking for the same. I'm so happy there is a site like this for freaks like me.

Am I crazy? Maybe but it sure has been a blast. I have loved my life and would not change a thing. I believe in GOD and karma. I try never to cross the two.


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