Lifehacker linked this article on thekitchn, and I found it was full of tips I already use, but I thought I'd share it with everyone here, and see if anyone had tips to add:
5 Ways To Throw a Party Without Blowing Your Budget | Apartment Therapy The Kitchn
I love to have friends and family over for a good time and a meal, but the cost of doing so can add up quick. Here are a few tips on keeping the bill down without cutting corners and while still making sure everyone has a great time!
Most of these ideas are ways that invite others to help and pitch in for the cost of a meal. Entertaining is all about sharing, and so don't forget to ask others to help out, when appropriate.
1. Potluck: Forget cooking large amounts of food yourself and just have folks bring a dish. This will give you a bit of spare change to focus on other things like flowers or cloth napkins.
2. Ask guests to bring meat: One of the largest expenses you can incur during entertaining is your protein source. Grill out (try your local park if you don't have a patio or deck to do so) and have everyone bring their own meat. Serve sides that go with everything and everyone walks away happy and full.
3. Ask guests to bring alcohol: Although we've talked about inexpensive alcohol sources in the past, that doesn't mean even the cheap stuff doesn't add up fast. Friends who drink will usually be willing to bring something along to help cut costs.
4. Borrow from friends: Don't have service for 20 in your small apartment? Borrow from friends or neighbors for an easy fix. Do check to make sure what you're borrowing can be re-purchased in case something happens — borrowing is good, breaking heirloom china isn't.
5. Don't make a full meal: Try hosting a get together at off-peak entertaining hours. Instead of having folks for dinner, have them for S'mores and drinks instead. It's an easy way to buy less and spend more time with friends instead of being buried in the kitchen.
Asking people to bring their own protein is something we do a lot for parties where we grill. My husband is a vegetarian, and so most of our friends understand that we're not going to buy burgers or steaks. Usually, we will provide something vegetarian that we've grilled, like a portobello mushroom stuffed with goat cheese, a veggie skewer, marinated tofu steaks, or grilled tempeh, but we invite our friends to bring meat if meat is what they want, with the understanding that they'll get a crack at the grill after the vegetarian items have been cooked. Even if we're not grilling, it is understood by our friends that if they come to our house to eat at a dinner party, it's likely going to be vegetarian.
We also aren't so far away from college that we avoid asking friends to bring alcohol. Since my husband homebrews, we typically say that we'll provide all of the beer and the mixers if guests bring liquor.
Generally, when I put together an invitation for an event, I urge people to bring items if they're considering it (semi-potluck), and most of my good friends know to tell me they're bringing something, or ask me if I have something I need. It's not unusual for me to get three phone calls (ZombieSquirrel, our friend L. and my friend W.) right before a party asking me if I need anything else. At Halloween, I made different dips for tortilla chips, and someone else brought the chips. It worked out very well.
What are your party-on-the-cheap tips?