Nice input, everyone. I haven't been able to work on this for the past several days... crazy busy then a funeral.
As things stand, I can run all of the programs, but can't create shortcuts. Interesting thing: in the Control Panel, Administrative Tools is empty. There is only one user account and that has administrative priveleges.
Combofix sounds like a useful tool. Will it do things that Kaspersky and malwarebytes won't? Willing to give it a try.
I've procured an external drive and a copy of Hiren's Boot 9.7... should i look for an updated version? Planning on blowing this thing up tomorrow (Monday 5/16).
This would have all been a bit easier if a) Dell had shipped discs with this model PC, b) Dell had put recovery info in a partition on the hard drive, or c) the (supposed) tech who set these up had made recovery discs.
Oh, well. Gonna give Combofix a shot, then go shopping for low yield explosives.
"Regret can be a harder pill to swallow than failure .With failure you at least know you gave it a chance..." David Howard