Originally Posted by amonkie
In my experience, I was NEVER spanked by my parents simply out of frustration or as a display of anger.
Based on my understanding, you would be the rare, rare exception. Did they just have blank faces? What about the fact they were hitting you? Couldn't that be used as evidence they were angry, just able to hide it a bit better than some?
Think of every spanking you've ever seen. How many of them have been accompanied by signs of anger? How many have included yelling and other intimidation tactics? How many have had and angry look in their faces? How many seemed ever so slightly out of control, as if having lost their temper? I'd venture a guess that the vast majority of spankings have their genesis in a parent's anger and/or frustration, and that anger/frustration is communicated along with the spanking, thus connecting them in a child's mind. My parents spanked out of anger, virtually every time (until eventually, perhaps, it was just out of habit). The fact that they were clearly angry when they would dish out corporal punishment suggested to me at the time and suggests to me still that it was as much about satisfying them as it was about punishing me.