This is my question.
Why is spanking being automatically equated to parental anger?
In my experience, I was NEVER spanked by my parents simply out of frustration or as a display of anger. I was spanked because I had been told that the consequence of breaking X rule was to receive a spanking with a wooden spoon.
I broke X rule, I got a spanking. My parents were entirely unemotional about it, if only to be disappointed that the spanking was neccessary. I was required to go get the spoon from the kitchen myself. I would usually start crying and apologizing before the tap even came, and not because it hurt. It was because my parents were following through on their rules and I quickly learned it wasn't a bluff.
For me, the worse punishment I ever got as a kid was to lose my nightlight because I was caught reading after I went to bed by it. To me, it is more a matter of making the punishment fit the crime and actually do something to deter the behavior in the future.
Calling from deep in the heart, from where the eyes can't see and the ears can't hear, from where the mountain trails end and only love can go... ~~~ Three Rivers Hare Krishna