Corporal punishment (CP) is not automatically abuse. Failing to distinguish between corporal punishment (the use of pain, without inflicting injury, as negative reinforcement) and abuse is not only does no justice to CP, it significantly degrades the suffering of those who are genuinely being abused.
Pretending that all physical violence is equally morally objectionable is also nonsense. Violence is not always morally evil. It is trivially easy to contrive a set of circumstances in which the correlating supposed virtue (pacifism) would be extraordinarily morally evil and violence would be righteous. I can name for myself (most of you probably can as well) a great number of punishments inflicted without harming me physically which would cause more suffering than physical abuse.
Also, CP is not metered out solely in anger or frustration, or by parents who are loose canons, as some of you seem perfectly happy to imply.
The advantage law is the best law in rugby, because it lets you ignore all the others for the good of the game.