I saw a show once about how American cigs are made. basically they extracted all the juice from the leaves into a vat and called it the "mother liquor" the pulp of the leaves was turned into a paper of sorts and shredded into perfectly even shreds and this shredded material was sprayed with the "mother liquor" to make the "tobacco" in the cigs.
I switched to hand rolling a long time back. now I'm on Bali Shag and Top papers...for some odd reason, Bali comes w/o papers. all domestic cigs make my mouth and throat dry, they also upset my stomach.
I used to smoke Jester, but local laws changes and it's not on the shelves any longer. I did go out of my way to buy packs of it before it was totally gone.
I was told the reason the state made it illegal here was something to do with how fast it burns and additives that cause them to go out. something about causing less fires ? seems to me domestic smokes burn faster and don't go out if you stop smoking them like hand rolled cigs.
when you believe in things that you don't understand, then you suffer. Superstition ain't the way.