i dont particularly disagree with Poetry. But at what point to do smack a child. I dont personally think a slap on the back of the hand or on the bottom is a bad thing, if its warranted. I guess it depends on what it is that the child did, and whether other corrective actions have been taken before resorting to physical corrective action.
Since most of ya'll are agianst even touching a child, and since most of you are north american, i wonder if this is some kind of cultural thing going on here. I know in arab culture it is more acceptable to smack a child if they misbehave. i know some people who have been physically violent with their kids, and i dont particularly agree. I personally have never been beaten by my parents, and i only remember being hit once in my life, and i pretty much deserved it. I was testing the waters and seeing where the boundaries lay. I never even went close to the boundary after that.
My dad gave me tough love. He was a very man-of-the-house type father, but he was always caring and generous. But i could never get away with anything because of the strict way i was brought up. My mother on the other hand would always cave in to whatever i wanted, and i used her as a proxy to get my father to say yes.
Willravel - if i smacked my child on the back of the hand for misbehaving in public, regardless of whether its right or wrong, if someone approached me telling me how wrong i was, i'd tell them to mind their own business.
An injustice anywhere, is an injustice everywhere
I always sign my facebook comments with ()()===========(}. Does that make me gay?
- Filthy