Originally Posted by dksuddeth
Do not be obvious when recording the police. This should go without saying. Don't hold your phone up, but rather at your side. Hide behind something like a bush if possible. Upload the video to Youtube as soon as possible and log out of your Youtube account on your phone in case it's confiscated. That's the nice thing about modern phones: you can record a video, upload it, and then log out all in a matter of seconds if you know what you're doing.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
2)If your video survives and can be brought forward, the prosecutor will most likely drop charges, but this is after your cost of hiring a lawyer to defend you against the charges as well as whatever you had to post for bail. If you didn't lose your job because you got arrested, you're lucky.
Public defender. If you want to see a look of pure joy, hand your public defender a copy of the video exonerating you. As you say, it will make your case much, much easier. Less paperwork is, for a public defender, like Christmas for children. Not only that, but like teachers often public defenders do their tireless, thankless, low-paying jobs because they're idealistic and want to do good. Freeing an innocent person is going to make their day.