One of my parents is manic depressive. I'd get emotionally fueled... well, not beatings, but definitely more than a spanking. Mostly when I did something dangerous, sometimes when I just pushed them over the edge. I'm certainly not violent, nor do I have anything resembling a temper, but I am *incredibly* skittish around anyone who has shown me they have the potential for an explosive temper. Enough so that I have left entire social groups because of one member.
However, the other parent was level-headed and would only spank me when needed, without the emotional fuel behind it, and that was perfectly fine. Really, the only way to keep me under control as a child was through pain or threat or pain. I wasn't hyperactive, just willful and stubbornly independent.
"You know what? Fuck the moon! He controls our water and our women. I've had enough!"