The Smacking Debate
Should parents be allowed to smack their kids?
Do they have the right to discipline their kids in the way they seem fit? Or do you consider it abuse?
Under common law, a similar smack to an adult would bring on assault charges. So does the UN convention for the Rights of the Child apply here? Is smacking considered child abuse and should parents be held accountible for the way they discipline their children?
Would you/Do you smack your kids? where do you draw the line between discipline and abuse?
as a parent of a toddler who's going to start acting up soon, ive been thinking about this topic a lot. Does smacking affect the child, and if so, what long term affect does it have on a childs behaviour, and ultimately their personalities?
i have to say that im undecided on this debate as yet, but i think parents can and have a right to be firm with their kids and discipline them without smacking them. The problem here is that the UN convention refers to the physical and mental abuse of kids. Are parents hands tied? should we just ignore the UN?
what are your thoughts?
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- Filthy