After determining that there was no point in having a BA in English, I received my BA in Sociology... thought Sociology would be a bit more marketable-- I was interested in research. Figured I would never have the money or interest in pursuing my Masters in English, so why waste my time with a fairly pointless degree?
After immediately graduation, my work sent me to school for a year to pick up some Manadrin. During that time I realized I could afford to go back and get my Masters... but I didn't want it in Sociology.
Cue two years of finishing up pre-reqs for the English graduate program.
I'm currently working in international logistics. It's something I'm good at, so... eh. I want to write. Figure I'll get my MA, start teaching community college classes or private high school classes, or figure out where the future of publishing is heading and try to hop on board. All the while writing, keeping myself immersed in words.
We'll see how that goes.
"You know what? Fuck the moon! He controls our water and our women. I've had enough!"