Originally Posted by roachboy
Woah, woah, woah.... wait a minute there. Are you saying the report is
Maybe the problem isn't minimum wage. Maybe the problem is education. Maybe the problem is poverty. Maybe the problem is racism.
Can a free market self-correct these too?
EDIT: As an aside, I'd be open to an alternative to minimum wage legislation, such as guaranteed minimum income. This way, despite how little people are paid in their jobs, or whether they can only get part-time work, they would be guaranteed a minimum livable income. The funding for this sort of thing comes from taxes rather than service companies with thin margins. But I'm afraid conservatives would view that as more "socialistic" than minimum wage legislation, which is too bad because to me it would seem more manageable. It could also be scaled to the individual rather than flatly at the state or federal levels. This means that individuals receive the wage correction scaled to their other income and to their local cost of living.