Location: The Aluminum Womb
Blog Entries: 2
Originally Posted by filtherton
Athletic people consume more than their share of oxygen. Compassionate people ruin the Randian utopia that would surely ensue if no one helped anyone do anything ever. Beautiful people ruin the notion that the people actually deserve what they get. Intelligent people are invariably elitists who lord their intelligence over everyone else from their ivory towers. War is peace. etc.
truth hurts
---------- Post added at 06:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:56 AM ----------
but it still doesn't change the fact that the person who possesses those qualities is better than you (in terms of personal ability, no societal impact) in some aspect that can be measured
Surely the more well rounded people would have more of a place than you are giving them credit for event :-) . I also dont understand on like this totem pole of qualities, you rank as a skill 'ability with the ladies'. Like thats something incredibly special - not 'fantastic interpersonal skills that can get the most out of those the person is working with' but 'good at pulling the ladies'.
I am afraid you would think I mix with wierdos - people who judge a person - as we all do when we are deciding what we think of them - by 'heart and intent'. Maybe the fact that most of them are 'more mature' and closer to the grave gives them a different perspective on life and the world.