Originally Posted by snowy
Yum. Jason Momoa is hot.
I have to admit, I was really excited when I saw he was cast as Khal Drogo. I really enjoyed the second episode 
Every time I hear/read this name, I think of:
It's interesting following all of these different stories. Normally, even more complex television shows really only have 3 or 4 stories. This one has like 8.
Arya Stark, I have to admit, was the first character to really capture my interest. She reminds me a great deal of a young woman I used to know, assertive, strong, passionate, and headstrong. There's always something fun about young women challenging traditional gender roles, and the actress who plays Arya is absolutely knocking it out of the park. I've not had a chance to read the series of books yet, but I get the feeling there's a brave warrior princess in our future.
The next character to interest me was Tyrion Lannister. I'm a big Peter Dinklage fan, particularly after Station Agent, and he's really captured this role well. Devious, intelligent, scheming , and yet possibly someone to secretly root for.
The stuff with Khal Drogo and Daenerys is brutal. I have to admit to being a bit jarred by her being essentially raped by her husband. I was glad to learn the actress who plays Daenerys is only a few years younger than myself. Her learning to be assertive in the bedroom feels kinda dirty and wrong, too. Although her knocking the shit out of Viserys was nothing short of glorious. It's always fun when the pompous jerk gets some come-uppins.
The more complex political interplay is just starting to become clear. Eddard Stark as the King's Hand, the Lannister's treachery with poor little Bran (the peeping Tom, if we're all being honest), the clear battle to come, and the farther-off danger from the North, is all interesting. I'm looking forward to Snow getting a chance to get out into the North and prove his mustard, if that's how the phrase goes, so he can get a bit more respect both from the fellow guardians and from back home.
Mark Addey reminds me a bit of my id.
Needless to say, the series has my attention. I may read the books if I get some time.