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Old 05-08-2011, 10:54 AM   #18 (permalink)
chinese crested
Location: hampshire
Unless you were like the moving scum Paul Burrell - selling anything and everything that you nicked - oh sorry, I meant to say - that your previous employer had entrusted to you. Why disturb the sleep of the dead? Obviously PB does it for money, his wee travelling carnival show. I cant think why someone would want to make up malicious lies about someone just because they are dead - by the same token, the Pope has welcomed his brother Mugabe, and Italy, upholder of human rights allowed the despot murdering tyrant (without oil reserves) to cross over her - like some drunken harlot with her petticoats up plying her trade in a bawdy house for any and all comers. People do not forget. The kiddy fiddler gang entertains mass murderer. This last week the last witness to WW1 passed away. Does that mean history books should be changed now, re written to make it more politicaly correct to fit in with say Hollywoods perception of it? What was that enigma thing? A pear is not a banana - whats the point of arguing that it is.
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