There's a "believer" on reddit right now doing a Q&A about it. Possible he's a troll, though nothing but the topic fires any troll-dar for me, he's not being argumentative or inflammatory, just saying what he believes.
He says it's going to happen at 6am, local time. So starting left of the International Date Line and working its way West. Believers will be taken bodily to heaven and given new, perfect bodies. Nonbelievers will be in massive earthquakes and either die or live a post-apocalyptic hell on earth.
What's interesting to me is the marketing of this thing. It's "guaranteed"--like if it doesn't happen you get your money back or something. There are billboard trucks roaming my small city here proclaiming this thing. I guess if your mission is to save souls, and you've got no use for your money after a "guaranteed" date, why not blow it all now on mass marketing. I can see the logic. Still.