Originally Posted by DaveOrion
I've been done this road before, also worked on my daughters PC, sure try safe mode but most likely that wont work. Forces are constantly at work to make our lives difficult, especially if you have a PC. I could elaborate ad nauseum about all the threats and what they entail but needless to say your PC is probably fucked from what you've said.
Reformat & Reinstall.
Dave, I've been down that road so many times, I've got a street named after me. I've spent the last 3 jobs doing nothing but cleaning up facebook viruses and click happy end users' messes. Format and reinstall is a LAST resort in this fight, especially in a work envoriment. Format/reload at home is not as big of a deal, one full day of work and you are back on looking at facebook; it's not the same in a work environment. Reloading of work software, reloading data, setting up network connections, printers, ect... that shit takes a lot of time (depending on what they did on the PC at work).
I'm with zman on this, try safemode and then if that fails (which it does sometimes, depends on the spyware) try hooking the infected drive to a PC and running malwarebytes on it from the host PC. That can take off enough of the spyware for you to be able to boot into the PC and install the anti-malware there and run it.
I've used this once before and it worked, it's free and might be worth a shot.
Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10
There are SO many different resources for this kind of infection, formatting should be a last stand kind of thing. It's really a bitch to get the PC back to the way it was before for a work pc, especially if it's a work pc.