Originally Posted by The Duck
no pics were a decade ago split up was 4 years .. My life is actually spot on now. and to be fair she can do what she wants.. My point is Karma is taking its time and should I help it along a bit while i have the opportunity .. lol which before you ask me the qustion "Why am I bothered?" Becuase i do not belive that truly evil people should walk the face of the planet doing what they like to other people with NO RETRIBUTION AT ALL!!!!
The problem is that's not how karma works. You can't help along someone else's karma*, and something like having an external humiliation come down upon you is not the action of karma, it's the action of others. Karma is a personal thing. This means that the action you are contemplating will only create your own karma.
You want to talk about karma? You should look at your own. Four years on and you're thinking of attacking the character and reputation of an ex. You clearly have your own karmic issues to deal with. Why are you still so miserable after all this time (despite saying your life is "spot on")? You need to look at yourself and wonder why you're still obsessing over her.
You're hung up on this. You're clinging to it, and it's damaging you.
If your life were truly "spot on," you would be posting about much cooler stuff here on TFP. Much cooler.
I wish you the best in your struggles to get over what she's done to you. I hope you realize that this will require looking at yourself more than at her.
*The exception is if you were to attempt the inverse: Helping her become a better person, by aiding in her own insights into why her actions hurt others—this would help her in working with her own karma, and may help her to avoid such bad actions and instead treat people with more respect.