Originally Posted by EventHorizon
i'm not poking fun of or trying to humiliate people who get the welfare check. i was illustrating the point that the welfare system is a form of... get ready to google these next three words... equality of outcome.
I googled it. I had no idea it was a formal concept. I'm pretty sure that neither equality of outcome or equality of opportunity are a high priority for anyone with any amount of policy-making power.
+1 for clinton reference. well i guess if we can't agree to the fact that its a "by individual" basis that people follow the law, then thats kind of proving the point isnt it? you see it one way and i see it another. its a matter of perspective
Well, everything is a matter of perspective. However, that issue is entirely different than indifference to the law or overt contempt for the law. I think that most people have their own set of rules that they follow when the risk of legal consequences are small.
but my bottom line is that the US does believe in justice, equality, and the rule of law (within reason)
I'm sure that Moamar Qadafi also believes in justice, equality, and the rule of law ... *drumroll* ... within reason. As certain justice department lawyers have shown, reason is easy to come by when it comes to tossing out the type of rights and responsibilities Americans used to have cause to take for granted.