Originally Posted by The Duck
Ok I understand the so called "Moral" implications of it ,, and the "you will look like a "douchebag" context. However I still stand by the fact that "Sluts/Council house trash/users" and generally ANYONE male of female who uses another human being for their own beniefit should at some point have their past catch up with them.If not for any other reason that to warn the next schmuck.In the scheme of things why in this day and age of internet and pics etc should you not be able to expose the paerson for what they are ??
Are you not using her for your own benefit? You are putting private photos on the internet to make yourself feel better about dating/fucking this girl.
I don't know about you, but my slut-radar and my will-fuck-your-brother-and-steal-your-dog-radar is pretty strong. I don't need to see nude pictures of a girl to know to keep my penis away from certain members of the opposite sex.
People use people. Male, female, transWTF, whatever; everyone is out to get their own part of the pie. You got burned, we have all been there. Hell, there is a girl out there that owes me $2400 in loans that I loaned her when I was thinking with my penis. I chocked that up to "think with the smarter head" and moved on with my life. We have all been burned, but dwelling on the past will do nothing but keep you from moving into the future.
Council house trash? Is that a UK thing? Can I get one of the TFP wankers in here to translate. I ain't got time to google that shit.