Originally Posted by LordEden
I love that a lot of the characters are exactly how I pictured them in the books. Littlefinger was Little-motherfucking-master-of-yo-wallet-finger and it was awesome.
Like BG said, I lost tract of time and got lost in the episode. Syrio Forel is one of my favorite "minor" characters and his fight scene coming up will be awesome. He was EXACTLY how I pictured him.
I can turn a blind fan-crazed eye to a lot of the "minor" changes in the books just because they have NAILED a lot of my favorite characters. Some people in my house can't *cough* cinn *cough*.
Anyone else see that they gave the (castle black's) blacksmith's speech to Tyrion?
I dunno, I pictured Syrio in my head is a short thin guy (wiry etc.). I'm not *unhappy*, but he just didn't seem quite right to me.
I'm obviously not enough of a fan, as I didn't remember that the blacksmith said that speech

though I do recall it now you pointed it out.
Episode 3 seemed kinda slow to me. I'm also missing seeing Jon's wolf - apart frm the scene where they find them in ep 1, he is unsighted. In the books he is a constant companion - perhaps they couldn't find an albino to use in filming...