Originally Posted by WhoaitsZ
I honestly have had no desire to play MK since the SNES days. I hope you enjoy it, though!
Well, this is a complete throwback to the SNES days and that's why it's so awesome. Everything after UMK3 was awful, this is amazing. It's been getting absolutely wonderful reviews, except for one idiot at IGN who has no clue what he's talking about. Read this review:
Mortal Kombat review: Flawless victory | Joystiq
or this one:
Mortal Kombat Review - Giant Bomb
This isn't the lackluster MK of recent years, it's a MK that can be considered a real tournament fighter on the levels of street fighter (I believe its way better than SSFIV) and MvC. The story mode retells all 3 of the first mortal kombat games and it's by far the best story of any fighting game that I have seen in years (I think Soul Calibur for the dreamcast beats it though). It's definitely worth a second look.