Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
You're missing my point. I'm not suggesting that we aren't influenced by gut reactions. I'm suggesting that it's poor policy to expect the office of the president to act or respond in certain ways based on intuition. Intuition is important and has its function in everyday life, but in this case, you're suggesting it as the sole criteria as to whether we should have the elected president prove he or she was born in America.
Poor policy would be ignoring issues of importance regardless of the basis.
I am not saying the "birther" issue is important relative to Obama is in fact President and we have real problems but it is clear that Obama thought it important enough to not only release the birth certificate but to hold a press conference about it. Your issue is not with me, but actually is with Obama as President. I thought he should have addressed the issue as a candidate. However, voters made it clear that they did not care.
It's trivial and subjective and ultimately useless.
If true, why has the media spent so much time on the issue? Please explain that to me. There are all kinds of people who hold all kinds of weird thoughts and ideas and they get no media coverage because virtually nobody takes them seriously. One of the most credible news shows used to be Meet the Press in my opinion, I don't even watch anymore after the new Speaker of the House is met with a series of questions about Obama's birth - save that for the tabloids.
This isn't about character or about marital/religious choices. This is about whether the president is legally qualified to hold that office. Why not just call it the Gut Feeling Clause of the office of the president by making it mandatory that they publicly submit all required documents proving they qualify to hold the position?
Again, the issue is bigger than his birth place. People have questions about his core beliefs regarding this country, about who he is and what influenced his belief system and behaviors. It is very much about character - just like many won't support a person who cheated on his wife, some won't support individual who they think don't believe this country is exceptional. We all know we are flawed, but that is different than what some believe Obama has thought about this country.
{added} To clarify I have no expectation that Obama or anyone has to do anything to make me feel comfortable. It is always a choice not an obligation.