for what it's worth, i hardly think it's fair to assume that responses to a sequence of kinda wacky posts about from someone who appears to write from deep within the strange lands inhabited by the black helicopter set was intended--by anyone---to refer to all gun owners.
at the same time, it's also not correct to assume that simply because most folk who are in favor of few-to-no limits on gun rights are not of the black helicopter set that therefore there is no black helicopter set.
conservatives are stuck with the black helicopter set in the way others of us are stuck with the sparts.
and this is not to even begin talking about the unfortunate decision on the part of the nra to shift hard to the right for fundraising and mobilization purposes, which folk who are interested in gun ownership and belong for that reason to the nra are also stuck with.
unless you quit. which seems to me only sensible. i mean, if you want to distance yourselves from the far right. but i digress.
as for the theological questions of the differences between islam christianity and judiasm with respect to the prophet vs hypostasis question---one line is that islam came later and was able to learn quite a bit from theological incoherences of post-nicean christianity. it's closer to some of the more logically consistent "alternative" versions of christianity like pelagianism, which dispatched with all the original sin foolishness which, in turn, undercut the need for that incoherent business of the incarnation. so human beings are in control and can shape their own destinies by playing by the rules and atoning when they fuck up. not a whole lot different.
the nicean thing resulted in a conception of human beings as well-and-truly fucked because they carried around with them this nasty adam-chip and so were somehow or another responsible for original sin as a matter of essence. of course, there was no philosophy of essence without plato at the least and, as time went on, aristotle as well. the problem there is that they were also well-and-truly fucked and were therefore burning in hell. whence the harrowing, which is still my favorite little story of the easter season.
compare the versions of the fall story in the qu'ran and old testament. the former is more interesting. things follow in a straight line from there, theologically.
of course, this says little about the ways in which any of the main three book-religions have been made over culturally in order to hold together normative systems of varying degrees of repressive Achievement. but to talk about that would be, again, to digress.
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear
it make you sick.
-kamau brathwaite