In its state it is beyond repair. You can't clean up corruption with corruption.
I do believe we have some officials who are not corrupt but they get squashed like a bug. The woman who warned Clinton for years about the real estate crises that hit us, for example, was thoroughly ruined and demonized.
You get real people trying to make a difference like Kusinich and they become a joke.
As for health care not being political all I can say is 'wtf, seriously?'. Our whole country has been arguing over health care for years and has had our gov in turmoil and it isn't political? Is education, war and our real estate crises not political either?
The problem with our health care is very, very easy. We treat it as a business. Health care and education should never be a business. Our taxes can easily pay for both. As for us costing more, to Obama's credit he has been saying over and over and over how we are really doing a terrible and flat out stupid job because we pay much, much more for far less. Then again Obama caves in like a damned wimp.
I think if we cannot let people vote on what becomes law or get rid of the old politicians we are fucked.