Originally Posted by Martian
Go learn more. What else are you going to do with your time? Sit in front of the TV, or play video games?
I was suggesting that people at an early age should be educated towards their strengths. people should definitely learn a little bit about alot of things, but i'm arguing that people should be really really good at one thing (but not to the point of ignorance) rather than mediocre at many things.
I doubt i'll ever need to know Avagadro's number outside of a chem class, I'll never care about the induced current in a wire due to a magnet. To me the important classes that should be taught to everyone before highschool are essay writing/research, algebra, trig, Newtonian physics, world history/government, art, and economics. Then in highschool, depending on individual interest and aptitude, you can track to something that you're good at and that you enjoy rather than 4 more years of really dull and unnecessarily generalized classes.