Originally Posted by longliveusa
the Founding Fathers were Christian Capitalist Conservatives
That's a lot of capitals, at least two of which are arbitrary. As far as I know, most if not all of the FFs were deists, not Christians. Also, did you know that liberal thinkers are capitalists? Actually there are several who are responsible for the development and dissemination of capitalist ideals. And if the FFs were conservatives, America might have become a constitutional monarchy and your head of state would be Queen Elizabeth II.
God is Jewish Jesus is Gods son those who attack Jesus attack god
I'm not going to debate your god with you. Maybe in another thread.
God did not create homosexuality
Homosexuality is natural; otherwise, how would it occur in species such as penguins? Try to respond to that without talking about God or Jesus.
Iran a Muslim Country Hangs homosexuals from cranes but think Death for homosexuals to be to quick muslims think that's its ok to bash homosexuals over the head with rocks and stones
Just as I am sure that Christian fundamentalists have beaten gays to death as well. This doesn't mean that all Christians hate the teachings of Jesus.
I see you will not comment about the articles i posted i wonder why!!!
It's because I asked you a question that will provide some pretext to your articles. Do you know who the Aga Khan is?