Since this thread started, my public radio station has started doing a replay of RadioLab episodes at noon on Saturday, and so I've been catching them more often. My husband also downloaded a bunch of the podcasts, so we've been listening to those while we unwind before bed. They also moved Wait, Wait so I've been listening to that more frequently, too.
Another show I've come to love is a locally produced one called
Live Wire! Radio It's on Saturday nights, so I miss it with some frequency, but my husband downloads the podcast for me.
I've also been listening to the music-oriented shows on KOPB with more frequency:
American Routes and
In House. I have a coworker who is consistently surprised that no, I don't know the latest Katy Perry song, and I tried to explain to her that the only new music I really listen to comes from In House: new Radiohead, yes, Katy Perry, no.