and you think you're hurting ralphie?
as a non american, i want your government to pull their shit together. as a non american your countries financial policies are hurting me more than any one of you.
as a person who works as an expat and pays no tax, i earn my money in a currency that is pegged to the USD. in the last 4 years ive seen the american dollar lose almost 40% against the australian dollar. that means that my salary has reduced by 40% and what i send his is almost 40% less of what i had been sending home. just this year alone, the USD has lost 16% against the Aussie dollar. Ive lost more in currency exchange than most people earn in an entire year in the States. and thats no exageration.
what eribrav is referring to is called 'quantitive easing'. its not printing of money so to speak. but rather the 'creating of money out of nothing' to ease the pressure on the banks that have inteerst rates close to zero. this can ( and probably will) create inflation which is probably compaounded on the tax you already complain about. you can find a good explanation here.