Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
(Not to get too sidetracked...)
The proponents of raw food look at food on the enzyme level, etc., and suggest that raw foods are more nutritious on the principle that our bodies will get more nutrients from them because of said enzymes. Cooking destroys things, they say, which is true to a large extent but not universally. Some foods have better properties when cooked. Tomatoes are one, especially when cooked with a bit of fat. Lycopene'd!
You can't post a vegan/veggie thread on here without being sidetracted. Look at every single veggie thread that has been posted on TFP in the last year, no one cared about the OP about 5 posts in.
I understand about the loss of nutrients after cooking and understand that some raw foods are better... well raw. It's the "diet" word afterwards that kills me, it's the restriction of food because of a moral ideal. I eat a few foods raw, because they taste good, not because I "have" too.